Camper 2025 applications go LIVE click here

January 6, 9am MST

Camp dates are July 27 - August 1, 2025

At Rocky Mountain Village in Empire, CO

Want to sponsor a camper? Hit the hamburger slices on the right to donate today!!

Literacy Counselor applications TBA




A beautiful article about the Camp ALEC documentary that was shown at the 2020 Indy Film Festival. Many thanks to Christopher Stoudt, director

In the News

A wonderful article highlighting Michigan State Alumni Steen Wichmann on the Camp ALEC Documentary.

Featured in Jordan Carson's news segment for Wood TV.



“We are already discussing a talent show act.  At his IEP last week, his teacher commented that he uses his device much more now since some ASD students are in his language arts class.  He's finally now a leader in that area and shows others how to use their devices.”

- Roberto and Karen

“We were - we ARE - completely blown away by what Sawyer did at camp (made friends, had fun, gave reading another chance), what he was exposed to (modeling, unconditional support, opportunity after opportunity to succeed and do “normal” things), and by the things he continues to do now that we are back home in Richmond (making new friends, spontaneously asking new friends questions, looking up books that match what he is doing in class in the Tarheel Reader to print and bring to class). It seems that Sawyer - having seen others use AAC, and getting  such positive feedback at camp with reading, trying new things, being more independent - has brought with him a new attitude to school. He is engaged, he is impatient when he isn’t included, he expresses his opinions and expects them to be noted. He wants to contribute and to make connections.

This weekend, Sawyer gave a “talk” as a panelist at an AT symposium here in Richmond - something that he NEVER would have done before his camp experience.  When his speech therapist asked us if he would be willing to do this - I gave a skeptical “maybe” as my answer, but Sawyer gave a resounding “YES!”  And, by george, he did it. He wrote out several sentences, and then we videoed him using his iPad to say the sentences - and then he stood in front of about 50 SLPs to introduce himself and his talk. "

We can’t thank you enough for the week of camp - and we can’t wait to apply for next year.

Thank you, thank you!

- Catherine

" I just had to share news about the new child we currently have in our home. Whenever Carlos is in the car with me I make sure he has his device.  We have had some experiences this summer with stopping at McDonald's on several occasions. Now when I pass McDonald's I tell him if he wants anything he should tell me on his machine. Last week I heard from the machine in the back seat: I like want a milkshake at McDonald's.  

I almost drove off the road!  Of course, I had to stop and get him one.  When I asked him how it tasted. He told me "good".  Now when we are going anywhere he uses that sentences over and over since it does work well with us! True Camp Alec success! In case you need to know a shake costs $2.12 which we always have for Carlos!"  

           - Karen

"Camp ALEC was one step toward success for Cole.  To have someone, who believes in Cole and understands his strengths and weaknesses, involved in his education, is a miracle.  Your determination, generosity, and advocacy make this possible.  Words cannot express our gratitude.  You have given us a wonderful opportunity, a priceless gift, hard to explain to anyone.  Somehow I know the two of you know exactly what I mean.  Thank you for being two of Cole's special angels."

- Aime

"Camp ALEC was a wonderful experience for our son.  My apprehension about dropping him off for the first time quickly turned to happiness as I saw pictures of him trying new things, meeting new people and having fun all week.  He came home a different child who seemed proud of his accomplishment of going to camp "all by himself" (as he likes to tell us).  The report given to us by the staff has been used as a framework for instruction by his tutor this year.  He has shown significant gains in his reading skills this school year.  I think it is partly because of the jump start we got by going to camp and by the interest in books that camp seems to have opened up in my son."

- Kim

"Melanie has had a great year so far in school after attending Camp ALEC this past summer.  I shared the report that we received at the end of camp with her teachers, and we have been using many of the strategies that were recommended.  Her comprehension has increased, and more importantly, her confidence.  She has amazed me with her insight into the novels that she has read in school and her English teacher says she is doing well.  She has come a long way since last year, and I credit Camp ALEC and the help she received there with a lot of her progress."

- Denise

As suggested, I have used an array of engaging materials including my own personal High Frequency Readers and the personal selection of my student.  I also use individual letter cards, and spelling patterns in known words.  

I plan to use more regularly:  a Word Wall, Core Vocabulary Board, Fill in the Blanks, a Sequence of Events and Word Sorts.  I use the Anchor-Read-Apply Method of instruction.  We engage in conversations about books.  We use his computer regularly.

The report told me what materials/methods to avoid: worksheets, flash cards, spelling tests or repetitive drills.  The report was very detailed and well explained.  The report helped me to understand how my student learns.

        - LC